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Minnesota Nuclear Energy Alliance (MNEA) Calls for End to Nuclear Moratorium to Secure Clean Energy Future

by | Feb 19, 2025 | Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

A diverse coalition of Minnesota businesses, utilities, labor unions, and environmental advocates is calling on state lawmakers to lift Minnesota’s 30-year-old moratorium on new nuclear power development. The Minnesota Nuclear Energy Alliance (MNEA) asserts that nuclear energy is critical to achieving the state’s ambitious 100% carbon-free electricity goals by 2040 while ensuring reliable baseload power and creating high-quality jobs.

“We’re proud to help lead this broad, bipartisan coalition of Minnesotans working together to ensure a reliable, carbon-free energy future,” said Darrick Moe, President and CEO of the Minnesota Rural Electric Association. “This is an urgent conversation, and lifting the moratorium is the first step in securing the affordable, clean, and reliable energy Minnesotans need.”

“Minnesota construction workers take pride in our work building and maintaining Minnesota’s critical energy infrastructure,” said Tom Dicklich, Executive Director of the Minnesota State Building and Construction Trades Council. “Lifting the moratorium is an important next step in our energy transition that will help our state meet the 100% carbon-free standard while putting thousands of our members to work.”

“Our members have been operating nuclear plants safely in Minnesota for over 50 years, providing decades of carbon-free affordable electricity for families and businesses,” said Kurt Zimmerman, Business Manager of IBEW Local 260. “Lifting the nuclear moratorium provides a critical opportunity to create new high-wage union jobs for utility workers.”

The Case for Nuclear Energy

  • Nuclear energy is uniquely positioned to address Minnesota’s energy challenges:
  • It already generates roughly half of Minnesota’s current carbon-free electricity.
  • For over 70 years, U.S. nuclear operators have safely stored all spent fuel with significant federal and state oversight.
  • Potential to provide thousands of good-paying jobs in a safety-first work environment.
  • A new generation of advanced nuclear technology, offer enhanced safety features, flexibility in siting, and a smaller footprint, making them ideal for Minnesota’s future energy needs.
  • While state and regional electrical demand has been historically stable or declining, recent trends in electrification and technology demands have resulted in projected increase in 24×7 electrical power needs.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has identified the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region, which includes Minnesota, as being at high risk of capacity shortfalls within the next decade. NERC’s 2024 Long-Term Reliability Assessment highlights the urgent need for firm, reliable power sources like nuclear energy to maintain grid stability and meet increasing demand.

Ending Minnesota’s Outlier Status

Minnesota is the only state with an outright ban on all new nuclear reactor construction. Lifting the moratorium would allow stakeholders to have productive conversations about how advanced nuclear technology could contribute to the state’s clean energy future.

“Thirty-three nations have now pledged to triple nuclear power by 2050, with America leading the charge. Congress has appropriated billions in federal funding for states ready to build. But Minnesota – with our world-class engineering talent and manufacturing base – is stuck on the sidelines because of a 30-year-old law that prevents us from deeply considering nuclear projects,” said Eric Meyer, Executive Director of Generation Atomic.

About the Minnesota Nuclear Energy Alliance 

The Minnesota Nuclear Energy Alliance (MNEA) is a partnership of over 30 organizations representing labor, business, utilities, trade associations, and environmental groups. Members are committed to securing Minnesota’s clean energy future through the development of safe, reliable, and carbon-free nuclear power.

The Alliance respects the Prairie Island Indian Community’s concerns about lifting Minnesota’s nuclear moratorium and is committed to working with them to address their concerns. The Alliance believes an open dialogue is essential to ensuring both safe storage and a sustainable energy future and welcomes the opportunity for constructive discussions that move Minnesota’s energy path forward.

For more information, visit

MN Nuclear Energy Alliance Members


Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Boilermakers Local 647

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Minnesota

Connexus Energy

Dairyland Power Cooperative

Duluth Chamber of Commerce

East River Electric

Generation Atomic/Coalition to Lift Nuclear Moratorium

Great River Energy

Heat & Frost Insulators – Local 34

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49

Iron Workers #512

Itasca County


MN Building & Construction Trades Council

MN Conservative Energy Forum

MN Contractors of NECA

MN Chamber of Commerce

MN Farm Bureau

MN Grocers Association

MN Land & Liberty Coalition

MN Municipal Utilities Association

MN Mechanical Contractors Association

MN Pipe Trades Association

MN Private Business Council

MN Retailers Association

MN Rural Electric Association

MN Utility Investors

Missouri River Energy Services

National Electrical Contractors Association

North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters

Otter Tail Power Co.

Southern MN Municipal Power Agency

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